Dec 6, 2011

Remembering: Thanksgiving

I wasn't planning on posting anything about Thanksgiving because my celebrations tend to look pretty much the same each year. It normally involves my whole family in LA, a huge turkey and lots of friends. But this year was different. Looking back at the photos of this year's dinner, I realized how special it was to be able to spend the one-on-one time with my aunt.

Typically, I would be fighting the crowds at Oakland Airport on my way home to LA. This year though, I happily opted to stay in the Bay and celebrate with my aunt who lives up here. Neither of us are big turkey fans, so we decided to go the non-traditional route and had a Thanksgiving melting pot of different foods. We spent the whole day together just hanging out, watching movies, eating and chatting. I loved it!

I think as long as you're with people who you love and who love you in return, then it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're eating.

Breakfast of champs: champagne, cheese and crackers
